I'll start with the delivery way to several countries. brought to Moscow where it lay 10 days is not clear where, then they called me and asked the address. when the parcel has reached to me the seller threw me a new track number (the old track only to Moscow) from which I learned that from 16 May to 25 bag was lying somewhere. but it's scary, delivery is still fast. the bag stinks but made it seems high quality, thread sticking out, I did not see, zipper open, normally closed all except one-"home". she closes easily but to open it will have to work hard because it is too long for such a space slider and at such an angle does not open. for it and I took off a star. otherwise, good bag, wear it will not be ashamed but she is not particularly holds a lot of things: sunglasses case purse passport poverbank and the space inside is almost over. later add to electronic сигерату and nothing else will fit. seller added gift-keychain.
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